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Directory of Minneapolis/St. Paul Technical Writers and Editors
With some search engines, it can be difficult for clients to find technical writers and editors. In a search for "Minneapolis technical writer" on Google, for example, the first 100 results currently yield just three technical writers or technical writing firms located in or serving Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Some search engines do a better job, but searching for "Minneapolis freelance technical writer", "Minneapolis contract techical writer", "technical writer resume Minneapolis", or other variations still yields long lists of links to technical writers from other parts of the country whose resumes mention the word "Minneapolis" (at best) or to irrelevant or out-dated web sites, including generic "work at home" sites (at worst). None of this makes it easy for prospective clients to find technical writers and editors.
For that reason, Winzig Consulting Services, LLC maintains a Directory of Technical Writers and Editors in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Area on its Minneapolis Technical Writer web site.

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Web page last updated: 18 Oct. 2006.
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Winzig Consulting Services, LLC
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Directory of Minneapolis/St. Paul Technical Writers & Editors
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