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Listed below are some of the technical writing and editing resources that are available on the Internet, with an emphasis on those in the Minneapolis area and in Minnesota. This list is maintained by Winzig Consulting Services, LLC, which is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota and provides technical writing, technical editing, HTML editing, and web publishing services. These web resources may be helpful to writers and editors and those in need of writing and editing talent.

Technical Writing Clearinghouses
- These are some of the web sites that serve as job and contract clearinghouses for technical writers and editors in Minnesota and in the United States:
- @WRITERS - For Writers on the Internet
[has multiple Tripod pop-up ads, opens Tripod search column]
- America's Job Bank
- CareerBuilder
- - Technical Writing
- CopyDesk, Inc.
- craigslist - Minneapolis/St. Paul - Writing/Editing Jobs
- ELanceOnline - Everyday Outsourcing
- - Onlne Marketplace for Freelace Talent
- Insource Staffing (a.k.a. Insource Solutions, 1 Editorial Writing, 1 Technical Writing, and Editor's Ink) See note.
- Jobscience - Healthcare and Medical Jobs
- - Technical Jobs
- - Contract & Temporary
- - Jobs
- Minnesota's Job Bank ( - State of MN)
- NewsLink - JobLink for Journalists
- Software Contractors' Guild
- - Freelance, Contract, Consulting, or Independent Professionals
- Sunoasis Jobs for Writers, Editors, Copywriters, Copy Editors
- - Technology Careers
- (
- (a service of Webster Tech Writers)
- Telecommuting Jobs
- The Write Jobs(TM) - Job Listings
- Yahoo! HotJobs
On-Line Dictionaries and Thesauruses
- These are some of the on-line dictionaries and thesauruses available to writers and editors:
- American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. 2000
- Dictionaries on the Web [multiple languages]
- Ectaco Online Dictionary. Free English-Foreign-English Translation System
- Free Online Dictionary of Computing (FOLDOC)
- Merriam-Webster OnLine - Dictionary - Thesaurus
- OneLook® Dictionary Search
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Roget's II The New Thesaurus, Third Edition. 1995
- Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
On-Line Encyclopedias
- These are some of the encyclopedias available on-line:
- Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Encyclopedia Mythica: Mythology, Folklore, & Legend
- GrolierOnline
- MSN Encarta
- TechWeb TechEncyclopedia
- Webopedia: Online Dictionary for Computer & Internet Terms
HTML Resources
- These are some of the HTML resources available on-line:
- Alertbox Jakob Nielsen's Column on Web Usability
- - Beyond the Code
- HTML 4.0 Reference
- HTML Help by The Web Design Group
- Index Dot HTML: THE Advanced HTML Reference
Miscellaneous Technical Writing Resources
- These are other technical writing resources available on-line:
- 101 Writing Answers - Directory of Writing Resources
- @WRITERS - For Writers On The Internet
[has multiple Tripod pop-up ads, opens Tripod search column]
- About Freelance Writing
- Absolute Write
- Author Network - Resources for Writers (
- A Celebration of Women Writers
- Copy Editor
- DesignFirms- Directory of Web Site Designers
- EServer Technical Communication (and Technical Writing) Library
- Framemaker User Group
- Freelance Writer Directory
- Freelance Writing Resource - The Writer's Home
- (includes technical writers)
- FreeLanceDesigners
- Freelancers Directories and Editorial Services
- Grammar and Usage for the Non-Expert
- Internet Resources for Technical Communicators
- Journalism Degrees and Programs
- - Portal for Writers and Authors
- Loft Literary Center (Minneapolis)
- Minneapolis Writers Workshop
- Minneapolis, Minnesota Web Design Services Directory
- Minnesota Business Directory (see Computers and Software - Consulting Services)
(part of Business Directory - Free Business Listings)
- Minnesota High Tech Association
- Minnesota Technology, Inc.
- Minnesota Web Site Designers
- Minnesota Writers Directory
- Non-Fiction Links for Writers (
- Poynteronline (for journalists)
- Printable English Grammar and Writing Help (provided by
- OWL - Purdue Online Writing Lab
- Prisma International (translation, etc.)
- - Directory of Independent Writers and Artists
- Resources For Technical Writers
- RhetNet, a cyberjournal for rhetoric and writing
- Santa Fe Science-Writing Workshop
- Southern California Writers Conference
- Speakeasy Magazine (Minneapolis)
- Technical Communication Source
- Technical Editors' Eyrie
- Technical Professional Communications Links
- Virtual Offices UK (directory of virtual office services in UK and around the world)
- Women Writers - A Zine
- Women Writers Project
- The Write Place Catalogue (St. Cloud State University)
- The Writers Page - Writers' Resources on the Web
- (Writers on the Net)
- (Online Community)
- Writers Free Reference
- Writers Write -- The Write Resource
- Writers' Exchange E-Publishing Australia
- The Writers' Workshop -- University of Iowa
- WritersNet - Writers, Editors, Publishers and Agents
- WritersUA - Contractors for Online Help, Documentation, and Web Sites
- The Writing Center (St. Cloud State University)
- Writing Resources on the Web
Online Texts for Writers
- These are some of the other on-line texts available to writers and editors:
- American Heritage Book of English Usage. 1996
- An Online Resource Guide to Freytag's Pyramid
- Great Books Online
- Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th Edition
- Electronic Text Center Collections
- Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body
- Humanities Text Initiative
- On-Line Books Page
- Project Gutenberg -- Free Books On-Line
- Simpson's Contemporary Quotations
- Strunk's The Elements of Style
- World Factbook. 2003
Organizations of Writers and Editors
- Listed below are web sites for organizations of writers and editors:
- American Association of Business Publication Editors
- American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors
- American Medical Writers Association
- American Society of Journalists and Authors
- American Society of Newspaper Editors Online
- Asian American Journalists Association
- Asian American Writers' Workshop
- Association for Women in Communications (AWC) - Twin Cities Chapter
- Association for Women in Computing (AWC)
- Association of American Publishers, Inc.
- Association of Information Technology Professionals
- Association of Jewish Book Publishers (AJBP)
- Canadian Science Writers' Association (CSWA/ACRS)
- Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA)
- Federation of British Columbia Writers
- Horror Writers Association (HWA)
- HTML Writers Guild
- IEEE Professional Communication Society (PCS)
- Independent Homeworkers Alliance (IHA)
- International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
- International Comunications Association (ICA)
- Internet Press Guild
- The Manitoba Writers' Guild (MWG)
- Minnesota Center for the Book
- Minnesota High Tech Association
- Minnesota Magazine & Publications Association (MMPA)
- Minnesota Newspaper Association
- Minnesota Spoken Word Association
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Mystery Writers of America
- National and International Organizations for Technical Writers
- National Association of Science Writers (NASW)
- National Association of Women Writers
- National Communications Association (NCA)
- National Conference of Editorial Writers (NCEW)
- National Writers Union
- National Writers Union - Twin Cities Local
- The New Zealand Society of Authors (NZSA)
- The New Zealand Writers Guild
- The North Carolina Writers' Network
- Periodical Writers Association of Canada (PWAC)
- Professional Editors Network (PEN) (Minnesota)
- The Quebec Writers' Federation (QWF)
- Romance Writers of America (RWA)
- Saskatchewan Writers Guild (SWG)
- Science and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. (SFWA)
- Society for Technical Communication (STC)
- Society for Technical Communication - Twin Cities Chapter
- Society of American Business Editors and Writers, Inc. (SABEW)
- The Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI)
- Society of Professional Journalists
- Teachers and Writers Collaborative
- Technical Communicators' Forum
- Technical Communicators Association of New Zealand Inc. (TCANZ)
- Usability Professionals' Association (UPA)
- Western Writers of America
- Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia (WFNS)
- Writers Guild of Alberta
- Writers Guild of America, West
- Writers Guild of Canada (WGC)
- Writers Guild of Great Britain
- The Writers' Union of Canada (TWUC)
- Wyoming Writers, Inc.
Publication Information
- These are some of the web sites that have publication information for writers, editors, and publishers:
- Authors Registry [site has trouble with Back button]
- Freelance Editorial Association's Code of Fair Practice
- ISSN and Serial Publications
- U.S. Copyright Office Home Page
- U.S. Copyright Office, Copyright Basics (PDF)
On-Line Style Guides and Grammars
- Listed below are some of the on-line style guides and grammars available to writers and editors:
- English Grammar Online (
- Guide to Grammar and Writing
- HyperGrammar
- MLA Style and Documentation
- Online English Grammar
- Style Guide for Online Hypertext
- Web Style Guide
Disclaimer: These links are provided "as-is" for information only. Winzig Consulting Services does not necessarily endorse or approve of a site because its link is listed here. If you have suggestions or notice a broken link, please send us an e-mail using the link at the bottom of this page.

Directory of Minneapolis/St. Paul Technical Writers and Editors
With some search engines, it can be difficult for clients to find technical writers and editors. In a search for "Minneapolis technical writer" on Google, for example, the first 100 results currently yield just three technical writers or technical writing firms located in or serving Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Some search engines do a better job, but searching for "Minneapolis freelance technical writer", "Minneapolis contract techical writer", "technical writer resume Minneapolis", or other variations still yields long lists of links to technical writers from other parts of the country whose resumes mention the word "Minneapolis" (at best) or to irrelevant or out-dated web sites, including generic "work at home" sites (at worst). None of this makes it easy for prospective clients to find technical writers and editors.
For that reason, Winzig Consulting Services maintains a Directory of Technical Writers and Editors in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Area on our Minneapolis Technical Writer web site.
Any permission to copy or reproduce this information for the purpose of posting it on commercial web sites or electronic databases for profit, resale, or solicitation is expressly denied. Any permission to use automated means to gather e-mail addresses from this web site for the purpose of sending bulk e-mail solicitations is also expressly denied.
Web page last updated: 31 May 2011.
Copyright © 1999-2011 Winzig Consulting Services, LLC. All rights reserved.
Winzig Consulting Services, LLC
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Directory of Minneapolis/St. Paul Technical Writers & Editors
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